Synopsis of the statutes of the University of Oxford in broadsheet form (1635)


Synopsis of the statutes of the University of Oxford in broadsheet form (1635)

Title: Synopsis seu Epitome statutorum eorum praesertim, quae iuventuti Academ. Oxon: maximè expedit pro doctrinâ & moribus habere cognita.

Imprint: [Oxonii : Excudebat Gulielmus Turner, impensis Gulielmi Webb, Anno. Dom. 1635]

Producer: University of Oxford; Thomas Crosfield (b. c. 1601-2).

Place of production: Oxford.

Date of production: 1635.

Bibliographical reference: STC / 1578:19; STC (2nd ed.) / 19006; Madan, I, 187.

Physical description: 1 sheet.

Source: Bodleian Library, shelfmark Wood 423 (15).

Description. This broadsheet provides a synopsis of those University statutes pertaining especially to students.  Printed in a form which might be carried in a pocket or posted in a college or hall, it is designed to ensure that no student is ignorant of the basic university regulations pertaining to them.

Madan (Oxford Books, ii. 797) notes that this is 'the first edition of extracts from the statutes, printed in two columns, but the model for all succeeding issues was the fuller edition in book form first published in 1638' (that is the Statuta selecta).