Reproduction photograph of Alfred Robinson’s painting of Star House Pole (glass negative)


Reproduction photograph of Alfred Robinson’s painting of Star House Pole (glass negative)
Accession number: 
PRM77536 (Image Reference Number: PRM000077536)
Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford

Reproduction photograph of a watercolour painting by Alfred Robinson showing the Haida totem pole known as ‘Star House Pole’. This glass plate photograph represents one of several stages (before another, similar reworking [PRM81761]) in a complex process leading to the subsequent publication of Robinson’s painting as a colour lithographic reproduction in E. B. Tylor, ‘Note on the Haida Totem-Post Lately Erected in the Pitt Rivers Museum at Oxford’, Man: A Monthly Record of Anthropological Science, 2 (1902), facing p.1, plate A.

Photographer: Alfred Robinson, after an original watercolour painting [2004.144.1] by the same man (Alfred Robinson)
Date of photograph: 1901; 1901 (original painting)
Continent: North America
Geographical area: North America
Country: Canada | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Region/Place: British Columbia; Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands); Masset
Cultural group: Haida
Format: Glass plate negative (‘dry plate’)
Size: 216 x 165 mm (‘full-plate’)
Acquisition: Edward Burnett Tylor. Bequeathed 1917