What was printed in the 15th century?


What was printed in the 15th century?

There are authors we never heard of, works we never read… Early printed books covered any subject, not just religious and classical books, but also a substantial amount of current affairs for the needs of everyday life, today almost completely lost. What will survive of today’s digital production?
28,000 editions survive today in 500,000 copies, in 4,000 public libraries and in ? private collections. We know what they are and where they are. The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) of the British Library and the Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke (GW) of Berlin Staatsbibliothek hold this information. Picture 1 provides a summary; picture 2 provides a pie-chart of the period these works were composed in: many more contemporary works were put in print than previously thought.

Credits: Cristina Dondi - Printing R-Evolution Exhibition, https://www.printingrevolution.eu/virtual-exhibition-printing-revolution/; Sebastiano Girardi Studio, Venice