Memphis Customs Account


Memphis Customs Account

This Aramaic customs account details the customs paid by ships docking - probably - at the port of Memphis. It has been dated to either 475 or 454 BC, depending on whether the '11th year' (see - for example - AR1.12) refers to a date in the reign of Xerxes or Artaxerxes I; most scholars think 475 is the more likely date. The text is highly formulaic and offers a fascinating insight into the operation of a busy port and into the intensity and nature of trade relations between Egypt and regions such as Asia Minor. Below is Kuhrt's translation (14.10); for an idea of how this complex text was actually laid out and for the Aramaic see Porten and Yardeni (1993) C 3.7.

See further P. Briant and R. Descat, ‘A customs register from the satrapy of Egypt in the Achaemenid period’, in Kings, Countries, Peoples (2017), 377-414; N. Purcell, ‘A view from the customs house’, in W.V. Harris (ed.), Rethinking the Mediterranean (2005), 200-234.

AR1 (restored)
(First eleven lines lacking, rest of column restored)
12. [Month Athyr, year 11.
13. On x of Athyr, they inspected for Egypt
14. 1 ship of PN son of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY
15. ’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship it is.
16. The duty which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king:
17. gold, 10 staters for gold, 8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs);
18. silver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2 quarters.
19. On x of Athyr, they inspected for Egypt
20. 1 ship PN son of PN, Ionian, PSLD / RŠY
21. 1 ‘big ship’, it is in accordance with its measurements.
22. The oil that was in it is oil: 50 JARS.
1. The duty which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king:
2. gold, 12 staters for gold, [1 karsh, 6h(allurs)];
3. silver, [50] karsh, [12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
4. the portion of the oil which was found [in it is oil, …]
5. silver of the men which was delivered to the king’s house is:
6. silver, 3[+2] sh(ekels), [15 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
7. wine, 21 and a half containers;
8. oil, 6[+3] and a h[alf] JARS;
9. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
10. [empty JARS, 30; of which not COATED, 10].
11. All the duty and other (items) which was collected from it and transferred
12. to the house of the king:
13. gold, 12 staters for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs);]
14. silver, 50 [k]arsh, [[5 sh(ekels), 20]+8 h(allurs);
15. wine, 21 and a half containers;
16. oil, 6[+3] JARS, [2 t(hirds), 10[+5 YW];
17. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
18. empty JARS, 30, [of which are not] COATED, 10.
19. On 30th of Athyr, they inspected for Egypt
20. 1 ship of [PN son of PN],
21. Ionian, PSLD/RŠY.
22. ’SWT K[ḤMWŠ a large ship it is].
1. The du[ty which was collected from it and delivered to the king’s house]:
2. gol[d, 10 staters for gold, 8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs).];
3. si[lver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allur)s, 2 q(uarters).]
4. [All the ships which were inspected for Egypt in month Athyr are]
5. [3 ships; among which: large ship, 1.]
6. [’SWT KḤMWŠ large ship, 2].
7. [The] du[ty which was collected from them and transferred to the house of the king:]
8. [gold, 32 staters for gold, 2 karsh,]
9. [6 sh(ekels), 36 h(allurs);]
10. [silver, 70 karsh, 17 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);]
11. [the portion of the oil which was found in them is oil …]
12. [silver of the men which was delivered to the king’s house]
13. from 1 large ship from…]
14.[is silver, 5 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);]
15. [wine, 21 and a half containers;]
16. oil, 9 and a half JARS;]
17. [wooden SUPPORT, 1;]
18. [empty JAR]S, 30; of [which are not COATED, 10]
19. [All the duty and] other (items) [which was collected from them and transferred to the house of the king:]
20. …
21. from … […] ’SWT […]
22. from it in accordance [with …]
23. gold, [32] state[rs for gold, 2 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 36 h(allurs);]
1. [silver], 60[+10] karsh, 4[+1 sh(ekels)], 20[+13] h(allurs);
2. [wine, 21 and a half containers;]
3. oil, 4[+5] JARS, 2 t(hirds), 10 [+5] YW;
4. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
5. empty JARS, 30; of which not CO[ATED, 10].
6. Month Choiak, year 11 …
7. On 2nd of Choiak they inspected for E[gypt]
8. 1 ship of Mr.g.s, son of Pq.[…],
9. Ionian, PSLD/ RŠY.
10. ’SWT K[ḤM]WŠ [large] shi[p it is].
11. The duty which was collected from it and transferred to
12. the house of the king:
13. [gol]d, 10 staters for gold, 8 sh(ekels), 10[+5] h(allurs);
14. [si]lver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2, q(uarters).
15. [On x of] Choiak they inspected for Egypt [1] s[hip of PN son of PN],
16. Ionian PSLD/RŠY.
17. [1 big boat] it is in ac[cordance with its measurements].
18. The oil which was found in it is o[il, 50 JARS].
19. The duty which was collected from it and transferred [to the house of the king:]
20. gold, 12 staters for gold, [1] kar[sh, 6 h(allurs)];
21. silver, 50 karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);
22. portion of the oil which was found [in it is oil …]
23. half (?) […]
1. [empty JARS, 30; of which are not coated, 10.]
2. [Month Tybi, year 11.]
3. [On x of Tybi they inspected for Egypt]
4. [1 ship of PN son of PN, Ionian PSLD/ RŠY.]
5. [1 large ship, it is in accordance with its measurements.]
6. [The oil which was found in it is oil, 50 JARS.]
7. [The duty which was collected from it and transferred to] the house of the king:
8. [gold, 12 staters for gold, 1 karsh], 6 h(allurs);
9. [silver, 50 karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);]
10. [portion of the oil which was found it is] oil, ḤMWŠ…
11. [silver of the men which was transferred to the hou]se of the king is
12. [silver, 5 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);]
13. [wine, 21 and a half containers;]
14. [oil, 9 and a half JARS;]
15. [wooden SUPPORT, 1;]
16. [empty JARS, of which] not COATED, 10.]
17. [All the duty and other (items) which was collected fr]om it and transferred to
18. [the house of the king:]
19. [gold, 12 staters for gold], 1 [kar]sh, 6 h(allurs);
20. [silver, 50 karsh, 4+]1 sh(ekels), 26[+2] h(allurs);
21. [wine, 21 and a half containers];
22. [oil, 9 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 15 YW (?)];
1. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
2. empty JARS, 30; of which not COATED, 10.
3. On 16th of Tybi they inspected for Egypt
4. 1 ship of Symenos/Somenes son of Simonides/Simondas, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY
5. [1 large] ship [it is] in accordance with its measurement.
6. The oil which was f[ound] in it is oil, [50 JARS].
7. The duty which was collected from it and [transferred to the house of the king]:
8. g[old, 10+]1[+1 sta]ters for [gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
9. [sil]ver, 50 karsh, [12] h(allurs), [2 qu(arters)];
10. portion of the oil which was fo[und in it is]
11. oil, ḤMWŠ, 20[+?] YW;
12. silver of the men which was delivered to [the king’s house is]
13. [silver], 5 sh(ekels), 12[+3] h(allurs), [2 qu(arters)];
14. wine, 21 and a half JARS;
15. oil, 9 and a half JARS;
16. wooden [SUPPORT, 1];
17. empty JARS, 30; [of which are not COATED, 10].
18. All the duty and o[ther (items)] which [was collected from it]
19. and transferred to the house of the king:
20. gold, 12 staters for [gold, 1 karsh, 6] h(allurs);
21. silver, 50 karsh, [5 sh(ekels), 28 h(allurs)];
22. wine, 21 and a half JARS;
1. [oil], 9 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 15 YW;
2. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
3. empty JARS, 30; of which not COATED, 10.
4. On 18th of Tybi they inspected for Egypt
5. 1 s[h]i[p of PN son of PN, Ionian
6. [PSLD/RŠ]Y.
7. ’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship it is.
8. The d[uty which] was collec[ted from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
9. gold, 10 staters for gold, [8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
10. silver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
11. All the ships which they inspected for Egypt
12. in month Tybi [are 3 ships. In it:] large ship, 2;
13. [’]SWT KḤMWŠ [large ship, 1].
14. [The duty which was collected from them and transferred to]
15. [the house of the king:]
16. [gold, 34 staters for gold, 2] karsh,
17. [3+]4[+1 sh(ekels), 27 h(allurs)];
18. [sil]ver, [1]10 karsh, 27 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);
19. portion of the oil which was found in them
20. is o[il, ḤMWŠ …];
21. [silver] of the men which was transferr[ed to the house of the king]
22. from 2 large ships
1. from all […] …
2. silver, [1 karsh, 31 h(allurs)];
3. wine, [43 x containers];
4. oil, 13[+3+]3 JARS;
5. wooden SUPPORT, 2;
6. empty JARS, 40[+20]; of which are not COATED, 20.
7. All the du[ty] and ot[her (items) which was collected and x transferred] to
8. the house of the k[ing]:
9. gold, [20+]11[+3] state[rs for gold 2] karsh,
10. [7+]1 [sh(ekels)], 27 h(allurs);
11. sil[ver, 111 karsh, 1 sh(ekel), 18 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
12. wine, [43 containers];
13. oil, [10+]9 [JAR]S, 2 t(hirds), 10[+2 YW];
14. [woo]den SUPPORT, 2;
15. [empty JARS, 60; of which are not] COATED, [20].
16. [Month of Mehir], year 11.
17. [On 6th?] of [Mehir they inspected for] Egypt
18. 1 [shi]p of [PN son of PN, Ionian],
19. [PSLD/ R]ŠY.
20. [’SWT KḤ]MWŠ a large ship it is.
21. The [du]ty which was collected from it and transferred to
22. the [hou]se of the king:
23. [go]ld, 10 staters for gold, [8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
24. [sil]ver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
1. [On 10th? of] Mehi[r they inspected for Egypt]
2. 1 ship o[f PN son of PN, Ionian],
4. ’SWT K[ḤMWŠ a large ship it is].
5. The duty which was collected from it [and transferred to the house of the king]:
6. gold, 10 staters for gold, [8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
7. silver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 1[+1] q(uarters).
8. On 20th of Mehir they inspected for [Egypt]
9. 1 [ship] of Tmt..[… son of PN, Ionian],
11. 1 large ship it is [in accordance with its measurements].
12. The oil which was found [in it is oil, 50 JARS].
13. The duty which was collected from [it and transferred to the house of the king]:
14. gold, 12 staters for [gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
15. [silver], 50 [karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarterse);]
16. portion of the oil which [was found in it is oil],
17. ḤMWŠ, …[…];
18. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king is]
19. silver, 5 sh(ekels), [15] h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
20. wine, 21 [and a half] containers;
21. oil, 5[+4 and a half] JARS;
22. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
23. empty JARS, 30; [herein of which are not COATED, 10];
24. All the duty and oth[er (items) which was collected from it]
25. and transferred to [the house of the king]:
(DR4 and DD1-9 very faint)
1. [portion of the oil] which was found in [it is oil, ḤMWŠ …];
2. [si]lver of the men which was transferred to the house of the [ki]ng [is silver, 5 sh(ekels), 13+]2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)l
3. [wi]ne, [21 and a h]alf containers;
4. [oi]l, [3+]5[+1 and a ha]lf JARS;
5. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
6. empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not COATED, 10.
7. All the duty and other (items) which were collected from it [and transferred t]o the ho[use of the ki]ng:
8. g[o]ld, 12 staters for gold, 1 karsh, [6] h(allurs);
9. [si]lver, 50 karsh, 5 [sh(ekels)], 20[+8] h(allurs);
10. [wine], 21 and a half JARS (error for ‘containers’);
11. [oil], 9 [JA]RS, 2 t(hirds), 15 YW;
12. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
13. [empty J]ARS, [30]; he[rein, of which are not] C[OAT]ED, 10.
14. [On the] 7th of [Pa]hons they inspected for Egypt
15. [1 s]hip [of] .gwt. [son of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
16. [1] large [sh]ip it is in accordance with its measurements.
17. [The] oil which was found in it is oil, 20[+30] JARS.
18. [The] duty which was collected from it [and transferred t]o [the] house [of the king]:
19. gold, 10[+1+]1 staters for [gold], 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs);
20. silver, 50 karsh, 10[+1+]1 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);
21. portion of [the] oil [whi]ch was foun[d] in it is oi[l], ḤMWŠ, [ti]the…;
22. silver of [the] me[n which was delivered t]o [the] house of [the] k[ing is silver, 2]+3 [sh(ekels)], 10[+2+]3 [h(allurs)], 2 q(uarters);
23. wine, 21 and half contai[ner]s;
1. oil, [6+]3 and a half JARS;
2. wooden [SUPPORT, 1];
3. [empt]y J[A]RS, [20+]10; herein, of which are not COATED, [10].
4. All the duty and other (items) which were colle[ct]ed from it [and transferred to the house of the king]:
5. gold, [10+]2 staters for gold, 1 karsh, [6] h(allurs);
6. silver, [40+]10 karsh, 3[+2] sh(ekels), [28 h(allurs)];
7. [wine], 20[+1 and a half containers];
8. oil, 10 and a quart[er JARS];
9. wooden [SUPPOR]T, 1;
10. [empt]y JARS, 30; herein, of which are not C[OATED, 10].
11. On the 10th [of Pah]ons they inspected for Egypt
12. 1 sh[ip] of P..tln, son of Moschos, [Ionian, PSLD/RŠY]/
13. ’S[WT KḤMWŠ] a large ship [it is].
14. The duty which was collected from it and transferred [to the house of the king]:
15. [gold], 10 state[r]s for gold, 6[+2] sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs);
16. silver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
17. [On the 15th] of Pahons they inspected for E[gypt]
18. 1 [shi]p [of] PN son of Ergilo[s, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
19. 1 [larg]e ship it is in accordance with [its] me[asurements].
20. The oils [which was fo]u[n]d in it is o[il, 50 JARS].
21. The duty [whi]ch was collected from it and trans[ferred to the house of the king]:
22. go[ld,] 12 [sta]te[r]s for gold, [1] kar[sh, 6 h(allurs)];
1. [silver, 50 karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
2. [portions of the oil which was found in it is o]il, [ḤMWŠ…];
3. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of] the [k]ing is
4. [silver, 5 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
5. [wine, 21 and a half containers];
6. [oil, 9 and a half JARS];
7. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
8. [empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not COATED, 10].
9. [All the duty and other (items) which were collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
10. [gold, 12 staters for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
11. [silver, 50 karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 28 h(allurs)];
12. [wine, 21 and half containers];
13. [oil, 9 JARS, 2 t(hirds)], 15 [YW]…;
14. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
15. [empty JARS, 30l herein, of which are not COA]TED, 10.
16. [On the x of Pahons they inspected for] Eg[yp]t
17. [1 ship of PN son of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
18. [’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship it is].
19. [The duty which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
20. [gold, 10 staters for gold, 8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
21. [silver, 10 karsh, 2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)].
22. [All the ships which they inspected for Egypt in the mon]th of Pahons are
23. [5 ships; herein, large ship 3];
24. [’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship, 2].
25. [The duty which was collected from them and transferred to the ho]use of the king:
1. [gold], 52[+4] s[tater]s [for g]o[ld, 4 kar]sh,
2. [3+]4 [sh(ekels)], 13[+5] h(allurs);
3. [silver], 1[70] karsh, 1 sh(ekel), 16 h(allurs), [2 q(uarters)];
4. portion of the oil which was found in them is
5. [oi]l, [ḤM]WŠ…;
6. [silver of] the men which was transferred to [the house of the king]
7. [from] 3 [la]rge ships from [...]
8. …
9. is silver, 1 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), [6] h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);
10. [wine, 6]4 and a half [container]s;
11. [oil, 28 and a half JARS];
12. [wooden] SUPPORT, 3;
13. [empty JARS, 90: herein]; of which are not COATED, [30].
14. All the duty and other (items) which was collect[ed from] them and transferred to the house of the king:
15. gold, 56 staters for gold, 3[+1] karsh,
16. 7 sh(ekels), 18 h(allurs);
17. silver, 120[+20+]31 karsh, 7 sh(ekels), 23 h(allurs);
18. wine, 64 and a ha[l]f [cont]ainers;
19. [oil], 26[+1+]2 and 1 t(hird) JARS; tithe, 2[+?] JARS (?);
20. wooden SUPPORT, 3;
21. [empty JARS, 40+]50; herein, [of which are not CO]ATED, 30.
22. [Month of Pay]ni, [y]ear 11.
23. On the [3+6] of Pa[y]ni they inspected for Egypt
24. 1 [s]hip [o]f Timokedes son of Mikkos, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY.
25. ’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship it is.
1. [The] du[ty whi]ch was col[lected and transferred t]o the house of the king:
2. go[ld, 10 stater]s [for gold], 8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs);
3. si[lver], 10 [kar]sh, 2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
4. [On 10+ of Pa]yni they inspected for Egypt
5. [1 ship of PN] son of .mn, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY.
6. [1 large ship] it is in accordance with [its] measureme[nts].
7. [The oil which was] found in it is oil, 50 JARS.
8. [The duty] wh[ich was collected from it] and transferred to the house of the king:
9. gold, 12 [state]rs for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs);
10. [silver, 40+]10 [karsh], 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters);
11. [portion of the oil] which was found in it is oil, …;
12. [silver of the men which was made over to the house of the king is]
13. [silver, 5 sh(ekels)], 10[+5 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
14. win[e, 21 and a half containers];
15. oi[l, 9 and a half JARS];
16. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
17. e[mp]t[y] JARS, 30; [herein of which are not COATED, 10].
18. All the duty and other [(items) which was collected and transferred to the house of] the [king]:
19. gold, 11[+1] staters [for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
20. silver, 50 karsh, [5 sh(ekels), 20+]6[+2 h(allurs)];
21. wine, 21 and a half [co]ntainers;
22. oil, 10 (and) a quarter JARS;
23. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
24. empty JARS, 30; herein, [of which are not COATED, 10].
25. On the 17th of Payni, [they] in[spected for Egypt]
1. 1 ship of [PN son of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
2. ’SWT KḤMW[Š a large ship it is].
3. the duty [which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
4. gold, 10 staters [for gold, 8 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
5. silver, [10] karsh, [2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)].
6. On the 20th of Payni [they inspected for Egypt]
7. 1 ship of [PN son of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
8. ’SWT KḤMW[Š] a large ship it is].
9. The du[ty] which was co[llected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
10. gold, 10 s[ta]te[r]s [for gold, 9 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs)];
11. si[lver], 10 [ka]rsh, [2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)].
12. On the 20[+ of Payni they inspected for Egypt]
13. [1 DWGY QNRT‘’ of PN, …]
14. [… which was found in it …]
15. [wine of year 10, 1 thousand 100 containers]
(16.-19. nothing restorable)
20. […], 10;
21. bronze ŠLMW, [10000 karsh];
22. […];
23. silver […] …;
24. […]
(KR5 very faint)
1. [wine, 21 and a half containers];
2. [oil, 9 and a half JARS];
3. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
4. [empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not] COATED, 10;
5. [All the duty and other (items) which was collected from] them and transferred to the [house of the king]:
6. [gold, 42 staters for gold], 3 [karsh, 5] sh(ekels, [11 h(allurs)];
7. [silver, 80 karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 3]5 [h(allurs)], 2 q(uarters);
8. [wine, 21 and a half containers];
9. [oil, 9 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 10+]3[+2 YW];
10. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
11. [empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not CO]ATED, [10].
12. [The tithe … from] 1 DWGY QNRT‘’:
13. [wine of year 10, 110 containers];
(14.-15. Nothing restorable)
16. [bronze ŠLMW, 1 thousand karsh];
17. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of] the [k]ing is
18. [silver …],
19. [wine of the year 10, 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers],
20. [old OAR, 1]
21. [All (the) silver of (the) men which was col]lected from it and transferred to the house of
22. [the king: silver, 1 karsh,] 1[+1 sh(ekels)], 3 h(allurs);
23. [wine of year 10, 1]25 and 1 [t(hird)] containers;
1. …, 10;
2. old OAR, 1.
3. All the duty {and other (items)} which was collected from them and transferred to the house of the king:
4. gold, 42 staters for go[ld], 3 karsh, [3+]2 [sh(ekels), 11 h(allurs)];
5. [silver, 84 kar]sh, [2 sh(ekels)], 7 h(allurs), [2] q(uarters);
6. wine, 146, 2 t(hirds), and a sixth [con]tainers; herein:
7. [wine of] Ionia, 21 and a half contai[ners];
8. [win]e of Sidonians, 125 and 1 t(hird) containers;
9. oil, 10 (and) a quarter JARS;
10. bronze ŠLM[W], 1 thousand [ka]rsh;
11. …, 10;
12. [SUPP]ORT, 1; old OAR, 1;
13. empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not COATED, 10.
14. Mo[n]th of Epiph, [year] 11.
15. [On the] 5th of E[piph they inspected for Eg]ypt
16. 1 ship of Glaphyr[os son of PN, Io]nian PSLD/RŠY.
17. ’SWT KḤMWŠ a [large] ship [it is].
18. The duty which was collected from it and [transferred to] the house of the king:
19. gold, 10 staters for gold, 6[+2] sh(ekels), [13+]2 [h(allurs)];
20. [silver], 10 [kar]sh, 2 h(allurs), [2 q(uarters)].
21. [On the] 7th of Epiph they inspected for Egypt
22. 1 DWGY QND/RTŠYRY of Sm…h/ḥ […]
23. […] … the things which were found in it [… are];
24. [wine] of year 11, 800 containers;
25. CLAY of ŠMWŠ, 6 thousand karsh;
26. wood ’KD/RPK, 2 thousand karsh;
1. [n]ew O[ARS, 300].
2. The tithe [which was col]lected from it and transfer[red to the house of] the king:
3. wine of year 11, 80 [cont]ainers;
4. CLAY of [ŠM]WŠ, [600] kar[sh];
5. wood of ’KD/R[P]K, 200 karsh;
6. ne[w] OARS, [20+]10;
7. silver of [the] me[n which was transferred to] the [house of [the] ki[ng is]
8. wine of y[ear 1]1, 8 and a half containers.
9. All the tithe which was collected from it [and transferred to]
10. the house of the king:
11. [wine of year] 11, 88 and a hal[f] containers;
12. CLAY of [ŠM]WŠ, [6]00 karsh;
13. wood of ’KD/RPK, [2]00 kars[h];
14. new OARS, 30.
15. On the 9th of Epiph they inspected for Egypt
16. 1 DWGY QNRT ‘’ [of PN]
17. …
18. [… which] was [f]ound in it […];
19. [wine of y]ear 10, [1 thou]sand 20 containers;
20. iron of PKD/RN, 20,000[+1] thousand karsh;
21. bronze ŠL[MW], 6 thousand karsh;
22. wood of ’KD/RPK, [1+]6 thousand karhs;
23. wood by number, 550; herein:
24. cedarwood BEAM, 50,
25. cedarwood BOARD, 500.
1. [The tithe which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
2. win[e of year 10, 102 containers],
3. ir[on of PKD/RN, 2 thousand 100 karsh];
4. bro[nze of ŠLMW, 600 karsh];
5. woo[d of ’KD/RPK, 700 karsh];
6. woo[d by number, 55; herein],
7. [cedar]wood [BEAM, 5]
8. [cedar]wood [BOARD, 50],
9. silver [of the men which was transferred to]
10. [the house of the king is]
11. [silver ...]
12. win[e of year 10, 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers],
13. [old] OAR, [1].
14. All [the tithe which was collected from it and transferred to]
15. [the] ho[use of the king]:
16. [wine of year 10, 117 (and) 1 t(hird) containers];
17. [iron of PKD/RN, 2 thousand 100 karsh];
18. [bronze ŠLMW, 600 karsh];
19. [wood of ’KD/RPK, 700 karsh];
20. [wood by number, 56; herein]:
21. [cedar]wood [BEAM, 5],
22. [cedar]wood [BOARD, 50];
23. [old] OAR, [1].
24. On the [x of Epiph they inspected for Egypt]
25. [1] shi[p of PN son of PN],
(GG1-3 very faint)
1. [gold, 34 staters for] gold, [2] karsh, [8 sh(ekels), 23+]4 [h(allurs)];
2. [silver, 110 karsh], 1 sh(ekel), 24 h(allurs), [x] q(uarters);
3. wine, 42+]1 [containers];
4. [oil], 60[+JARS (error for: 19 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 12 YW]; wooden SUPPORT, 2;
5. [empty JARS, 60; herein, of which] are not COATED, 20.
6. [Tithe(?) … sh]ips of KZD/RY, 3; herein,
8. [The tithe which] was collected from it (correction: ‘them’) and transferred to the house of the king:
9. [silver, 1 karsh, 2 sh(ekels), 3 h(allurs)];
10. [wine 24]5 [containers; he]re[in],
11. [wine of year 10], 101[+1 container]s,
12. [wine of year 11], 100[+42+]1 [container]s;
13. [bronze ŠLMW], 1 thousand [100 kar[sh];
14. [iron of PKD/RN, 2] thousand 100 [karsh];
15. [wood of ’KD/RPK, 2+]7x100 (=900) [karsh];
16. [tin, 200 karsh];
17. [(wool of) Kefar ..n, 2+]5x100 (=700+)11[+3+1] karsh;
18. [CLAY of ŠMWŠ, 600 karsh];
19. [wood by number, 8]5; herein,
20. [BEAM, 5; BOArd, 50];
21. [new OARS, 20+]10; old OARS, …;
22. [silver of the men which was transferred] to the house of the king:
23. […] … DWGY …
24. […] … from them
1. wine of year 10, 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers,
2. old OAR, 1;
3. silver of the men which was transferred to [the house of] the [king]
4. from 2 DWGY QNRTŠYRY of [… is]
5. wine of year 11, [17] containers.
6. All (the) silver of (the) men which was collected from them and transferred
7. to the house of the king is
8. silver, 1 karsh, 2 sh(ekels), 3 h(allurs),
9. wine of year 10, [15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers],
10. wine of year 11, [17] contai[ner]s,
11. [o]ld O[AR], 1.
12. A[ll] the duty and the tithe which was collected from them
13. and transferred to the house of [the] king:
14. silver, 3 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 12 h(allurs);
15. wine, [277 (and) 1 t(hird) co[ntainers; herein],
16. wine of year 10, 11[7 (and) 1 t(hird)] containers.
17. wine of year 11, 160 containers;
18. [bro]nze ŠL[MW], 1 thousand 100 kars[h];
19. iron of PKD/RN, [2] thousand 100 karsh;
20. wood of ’KD/RPK, [3+]6x100 (=900) [karsh];
21. tin, 1[+1]100 (=200) karsh;
22. (wool of Ke[far]..n, 71[+1+]3 [karsh];
23. CLAY of ŠMWŠ, 600 kar[sh];
24. wood by number, 86; herein,
25. cedarwood BEAM, 5,
26. cedarwood BOARD, 50,
27. OARS, 30[+1], herein,
1. [new O]A[RS, 30; old OAR, 1].
2. [A]ll the duty [and other (items) which were collected from them and transferred]
3. t[o the house of the] king:
4. g[o]ld, [34] state[rs for gold, 2 karsh],
5. [3+]4[+1] sh(ekels), [27 h(allurs)];
6. sil[ver, 114 karsh, 7 sh(ekels), 30 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
7. w[ine], 2[+1x100+20 (=320 and) 1 t(hird)] containers(?); [herein],
8. [wine of I]onia, [43 cont]ainers,
9. [wine of Sidonians, 277 (and) 1 t(hird) containers; herein],
10. [wine o]f yea[r 10, 117 (and) 1 t(hird) containers];
11. wine of year 10[+1, 160 containers];
12. oi[l], 10[+9] JARS, [2 t(hirds), 12 YW];
13. bronze ŠL[MW, 1 thousand 100 karsh];
14. iron of PKD/RN, [2 thousand 100 karsh];
15. wood of ’KD/RPK, [900 karsh];
16. t[in, 200 karsh];
17. (wool of) [Ke]far .[.n, 715 karsh];
18. [CLAY of ŠMWŠ, 600 karsh];
19. [wood by number, 88; herein],
20. [cedarwood BEAM, 5],
21. ce[darwood BOARD, 50],
22. n[ew] OARS, [30],
23. ol[d] OAR, [1],
24. wooden SUPPORT, [2];
25. empt[y] JARS, [60; herein, of which are not COATED, 20].
1. [Month of Mesore, ye]ar 11.
2. [On the x of Mesore] they inspected for Egypt
3. [1 s]hip [of] K/Prystn son of Prytkm,
4. [I]onian, PS[LD/R]ŠY.
5. [1 lar]ge [shi]p kit is in accordance with its [measurements].
6. [The oil] which was found in it is
7. [oil, 50] JARS.
8. [The duty which was collected from it and transferred t]o [the hous]e [of the king]:
9. [gold 11+]1 [staters] for gold, [1] ka[rsh, 6 h(allurs)];
10. [silver, 50 karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
11. [portion of the] o[il which was found in it is o]il, [ḤMWŠ…];
12. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king is]
13. [silver, 5 sh(ekels)], 13[+2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
14. [wine, 21] and a half [containers];
15. [oil, 9 and a half JARS];
16. [wooden SU]P[PORT, 1];
17. [empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not COATED, 10].
18. [All the duty and other (items)] which was collected [from it and transferred to]
19. [the house of the king]:
20. [gold], 12 [staters] for gold, [1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
21. [silver], 50 [kar]sh, 2[+3 sh(ekels), 28 h(allurs)];
22. [wine], 21 and a half [containers];
23. [oil, 3+]3[+3 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 15 YW];
24. [wooden] SUPPORT, 1;
25. [em]pt[y JARS, 20+]10; [here]in of which are n[ot COATED], 10.
26. [On the x of Mesore] they inspected [for Egypt]
27. 1 [shi]p of Iokles son of Š[…],
28. [Ionian], PSLD/RŠY.
1. [’SWT K]ḤMWŠ [a large] sh[ip it is].
2. [The duty which] was collected from it [and transferred to the house of the king]:
3. [gold], 10 staters for [gold, 8 sh(ekels), 18 h(allurs)];
4. [silver], 10 [karsh, 2] h(allurs), [2 q(uarters)];
5. [On the x of Mesore they inspected for Egypt]
6. 1 ship of Phanes s[on of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY],
7. [1 large] sh[ip] it is in accor[dance with its measurements].
8. The [o]il which was foun[d in it is oil, 50 JARS].
9. The duty which was collected from it [and transferred to the house of the king]:
10. [gold, 12] staters [for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
11. si[lver, 50 karsh, 12 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
12. [portion of the oil which was found in it is oil, ḤMWŠ…];
13. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king is]
14. [silver, 5 sh(ekels), 15 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)];
15. wine, [21 and a half] cont[ainers];
16. [oil, 9 and a half JARS];
17. [wooden SUPPORT, 1];
18. [empty JARS, 30; herein, of which are not COATED, 10].
19. [All the duty and other (items) which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
20. go[ld, 12 staters for gold, 1 karsh, 6 h(allurs)];
21. [silver, 50 karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 28 h(allurs)];
22. wine, [21 and a half containers];
23. oil, 10 [(and) a quarter] JARS;
24. wooden SUPPORT, 1;
25. [empty] JARS, [30; herein, of which] are not COATED, 10.
26. On the 12th of Mesore [they inspected for Eg]ypt
1. [1 DWGY QNRT‘’ of PN son of PN, …]
2. [… which was found in it …]:
3. [wine of year 10, 450 containers];
4. [wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 20,000 1 thousand karsh];
5. [iron, 30,000 karsh; herein],
6. [SNY, 10,000 karsh],
7. [PKD/RN, 20,000 karsh];
8. [The tithe which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
9. [wine of year 10, 45 containers];
10. [wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh];
11. [iron, 3 thousand karsh; herein],
12. [SNY, 1 thousand karsh];
13. [PKD/RN, 2 thousand karsh];
14. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king is]
15. [silver ,…]
16. [wine of year 10, 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers]
17. [old OAR, 1].
18. [All the tithe which was collected from it and transferred to]
19. [the house of the king]:
20. si[lv]er, 3 karsh, [6] sh(ekels), [12 h(allurs)];
21. [w]ine of year [10, 60 (and) 1 t(hird) containers];
22. [w]o[ol of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh];
23. [iro]n, 3 thousand karsh; [herein],
24. [SNY], 1 thosuand karsh,
25. P[KD/RN], 2 thou[sand] karsh;
Reverse JV1
1. [old OAR, 1].
2. [On the x of Mesore, they inspected for Egypt]
3. [1 ship of PN son of PN, Ionian],
4. [PSLD/RŠY].
5. [’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship it is].
6. [The duty which was transferred to the house of the king]:
7. [gold, 10 staters for gold, 8 sh(ekels)],
8. [15 h(allurs)];
9. [silver, 10 karsh, 2 (hallurs), 2 q(uarters)].
10. [On the x of Mesore they inspected for Egypt]
11. [1 DWGY QNRTŠYRY of PN],
12. […]
13. [… the things which were found in it … are]
14. [wine of year 11, 395 jars];
15. [wood by number, 970; herein],
16. [cedarwood PLANK, 530],
17. [cedarwood P‘MY, 240],
18. [new OARS, 200].
19. [The tithe which was collected from it and transferred to the house of the king]:
20. [wine of Sidonians, 33+]6 and a half [containers];
21. [silver of] the [men] which was transfer[red t]o the house of the [ki]ng is
22. [wine of] year 11, [8 and a half] co[ntai]ners;
23. [wood by number, 20+]72[+3+]2; herein,
24. [cedarwood] PLANK, 40[+13],
25. [cedarwood] P‘MY, [23+]1,
1. [new OARS, 20].
2. All [the ships which they inspected] for Eg[y]pt in the month of [Mesore are 6 ships];
3. …[…]…
4. ships of [the] I[onians], PSLD/RŠY, [4]; herein,
5. large ship, 2; ’SWT K[ḤMWŠ a large ship, 2];
6. ships of [the KZD/RY(?), 2]; herein,
8. of …
9. The duty which [was collected from them and transferred] to the house of the king:
10. [… the ships of] the Ionians, PSLD/RŠY, 4; herein,
11. […]…[a la]rge ship, 2:
12. gold, [44] s[taters for gold], 3 karsh, [7] sh(ekels), [2 h(allurs)];
13. si[lver, 120 karsh, 30 h(allurs)];
14. [portion of] the oil which was fo[un]d in [th]em is oil […];
15. [sil]ver of [the] m[en which was transferred to the house of the king from sh]ip
16. [large, 2; from all …]:
17. [silver, 1 karsh, 31 h(allurs) +?];
18. [wine, 43 containers];
19. [oil, 19 JARS];
20. [wooden] SUPPORT, [2];
21. emp[ty] JARS, 20[+40; here]in, of which are not COATED (40 crossed out), 20.
22. All the duty and [other (items)] which were collected from them and transferred to the house of [the] king:
23. gold, [20+]14 (error: it should be 44) staters for gold, 3 karsh, 7 sh(ekels), [2] h(allurs);
24. [silver], 121 [karsh], 1 sh(ekel), 27 h(allurs);
25. [wine, 40+]3 [containers];
26. [oil, 19 JARS, 1+]1 [t(hirds)], 12 YW;
27. wooden SUPPORT, 2;
1. [empty JARS, 60; herein, of which are not COATED, 20.]
2. [The tithe which was transferred to the house of the king]
3. [from ships of KZD/RY, 2; herein]
4. [from 1 DWGY QNRT‘’ of …]
5. [from 1 DWGY QNRTŠYRY of …]:
6. [wine, 84 and a half containers; herein],
7. [wine of year 10, 45 containers],
8. [wine of year 11, 39 and] a half [containers];
9. [wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh];
10. [iron, 3 thousand karsh; herein],
11. [SNY, 1 thousand karsh],
12. [PKD/RN, 2 thousand karsh];
13. [wood by number, 97; herein],
14. [cedarwood PLANK, 53],
15. [cedarwood P‘MY, 24],
16. [new OARS, 20];
17. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king]
18. [from 1 DWGY QNRT‘’: silver, …]
19. [wine of year 10, 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers],
20. [old OAR, 1];
21. [silver of the men which was transferred to the house of the king]
22. [from 1 DWGY QNRTŠYRY is]
23. [wine of year 11, 8 and a half containers].
24. [All (the) silver of (the) men which was collected from them and transferred to the house of] the [k]ing is
1. silver, 1 karsh, 2 sh(ekels), 3 h(allurs),
2. wine, 23, 2 t(hirds), and a sixth containers; herein;
3. wine of [year 10], 15 (and) 1 t(hird) containers,
4. wine of year 11, 8 and a half containers,
5. old OAR, 1.
6. All the duty and other (items) which were collected from them and transferred
7. to the house of the king:
8. silver, 2 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 12 h(allurs);
9. wine, [1]00+4[+2+]2 and [1] th(hird) containers; herein:
10. wine of year 10, [40+]20 and [1] t(hird) containers,
11. wine of year 11, [48] containers;
12. wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh;
13. iron, 3 thousand karsh; herein;
14. SNY, 1 thousand karsh,
15. PKD/RN, 2 thosuand karsh;
16. [wood] by number, 96[+2]; herein;
17. cedar[wood] PLANK, 50[+3],
18. cedar[wood] P‘MY, 23[+1],
19. new [OARS], 20,
20. old OAR, 1.
21. [A]ll the [dut]y [and other (items) which were collected [from them]
22. and tr[ansferred to the hou]se of the king:
23. gold, [44] staters for gold, 3 karsh
24. [2+]1[+4] sh(ekels), [2] h(allurs)
1. silver [124] kar[sh], 9 sh(ekels), [x] h(allurs);
2. wine, [150+]1 (and) 1 t(hird) containers; herein:
3. wine [of Ionia], 43 [container]s,
4. win[e of Sidonian]s, 108 (and) 1 t(hird) containers; herein:
5. wine of year 10, 60 (and) 1 t(hird) containers,
6. wine of year 11, 48 containers;
7. oil, 19 JARS, 2 t(hirds), 12 YW;
8. wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh;
9. iron, 2[+1] thousand karsh; herein:
10. SNY, [1] thousand karsh,
11. PK[D/RN, 2 thosuand karsh];
12. [woo]d by number 1]00; herein:
13. cedarwood PLANK, 53,
14. cedarwood P‘MY, 24,
15. new O[A]RS, [20]; old OAR, 1;
16. [wood]en SUPPORT, 1[+1];
17. empty JARS, 60; herein of which are not COATED, 20.
18. All the ships wh[ich] they inspected for Egypt…
19. of [… I]onian, PSL[D/RŠY]…
20. …
21. … [ship, 41+(?)]1; herein:
22. … sh[i]ps of [I]onians, PSLD/RŠ[Y], 30[+6; herein]:
23. [all (told)] large ship, 19,
24. ’SWT KḤMWŠ a large ship 12[+5];
25. ships of KZD/RY, 6…
(Three/four columns missing = GGv1-4)
1. [gold], 3[96+]2 [sta]ters
2. [for gold], 20[+13] karsh, [2+]3 [sh(ekels)], 9 h(allurs);
3. silver, 1 thousand 1[x100+30+]5[+?] karsh, 10 h(allurs), 1 q(uarters);
4. wine, 919 and a half containers; herein:
5. wine of Ionia, 40[8 and a half] con[tainers],
6. wine of [Si]donians, 510[+1 containers]; he[re]in:
7. win[e of] year 10, 30[3] containers,
8. wine of year 11, 208 containers;
9. oil, 195 JARS;
10. iron, 5 thousand 100 [karsh]; here[in]:
11. SNY, 1 thousand kar[sh],
12. PKD/RN, [1+]3 thosuand 1[00] karsh;
13. bronze ŠLMW, [2 thousand karsh];
14. t[i]n, [200 karsh];
15. [wool of] Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 [kar]sh;
16. [wool of Kefar ..N, 7]10[+1+]4 [karsh;
17. [wood of ’KD/RPK], 900 [karsh];
18. […];
19. CLAY of ŠMWŠ, 600 karsh;
20. wood by number, 2[03+]1; herein:
21. cedarwood BEAM, 5,
22. cedarwood BOARD, 50,
23. cedarwood PLANK, 53,
24. cedarwood P‘MY, 24;
1. OARS, 53; herein:
2. new OARS, 50,
3. old OARS, 3:
4. wooden SUPPORT, 19;
5. empty JARS, 570; herein
6. of which are not COATED, 190.
1. To the master of ṬLPT;
2. To the master of M.LYN;
3. To the master of ML…KN;
4. To the master of […]
1. [All the duty which […]
(ll. 2-9 almost totally lost, except for a numeral in l.6)
10. [All the ships which] they inspected [for the sea … are]
11. [x ships. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which they took out]
12. [to] th[e se]a in them [is silver, x karsh, …]
13. Mo[n]th of At[hyr, year 11].
14. [On the] 17th of [A]thyr [they inspected for the 1 ship of]
15. […].ln, Ionian, [PSL/DRŠY. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron]
16. which they took out to [the] sea in [it, is silver, x karsh, …]
17. On the 26th day of At[hyr they inspected for the sea 1 ship of]
18. [PN], Ionian, [PSLD/RŠY. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which]
19. [they took out to] the [se]a in it, is silver, [x karsh, …].
20. [All] the [ship]s which they inspected [for the sea in the month of Athyr are]
21. [2 ships]. The silver, the customs dut[y (on) the value of the natron which they took out]
22. to the sea in them, is silver, [x] kar[sh, …].
23. [M]onth of Choiak, [year 11].
24. On the [10th] of [Cho]iak they inspected for [the] s[ea 1 ship of PN],
25. Ionian, PSLD/RŠY. [The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which]
(Col. KV1 entirely restored)
1. they took out to the sea in them, is silver, [x] karsh, […]
2. Month of Phamenoth, year 11.
3. On the 10th of Phamenoth they inspected for the sea 1 ship of ..SY, Ionian, PSLD/R[ŠY. The sil]ver, [the customs dut]y (on)
4. the value of the natron which they took out to the sea in it is, silver, 9 karsh, [y] sh(ekels)(, [z h(allurs)].
5. on the 16th of [Phameno]th they inspected for the sea 1 [ship] of TM.[…, Ionian, PS]LD/RŠY.
6. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which [they] took out to the sea in it is silver, [x] kar[sh, 5 sh(ekels), 20[+?] h(allurs)].
7. On the 25th of Phamenoth they inspected for the sea 1 ship of [PN, I]onian, PSLD/RŠY.
8. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which [they] took out to the sea in it is silver, [x] karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 20[+?] h(allurs).
9. On the 30th of Phamenoth they inspected for the sea 1 ship of [PN, Ionian, PS]LD/RŠY.
10. The silver, the customs [duty (on) the value of the natron which they took out to] the [sea] in it is, s[ilver, x karsh], 3[+6] sh(ekels), 23 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
11. All [the ships which they inspected for the sea in the month of Phameno]th [are 4] ships. [The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron]
12. [which they took out to the sea in it is silver, x karsh, x+]1 sh(ekels), 23[+?] h(allurs).
13. [Month of Pharmuthi, year 11].
14. [On the x of Pharmuthi they inspected for the sea 1 ship of] MN[.].., Ionian, PSLD/RŠY.
15. [The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which they took out to the sea in it is, silv]er, 10 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 18 h(allurs).
16. On the [x of] Pharmu[thi they inspected for the sea 1 ship of] Spitaka, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY. The silver,
17. [the customs duty (on) the value of the na]tro[n] which they took out [to the sea in it is silver], 11 [kar]sh, 5 sh(ekels), 10 h(allurs).
18. On the 21st of [Pharmu]thi [they] in[spected for] the sea [1] sh[ip of …]KLS, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY.
19. The [silve]r, the customs duty (on the value of the natron which [they] t[ook out to] the sea in it is silver, 11 karsh, 8 sh(ekels), 3 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters.
20. On the [2]6th of [Phar]muthi they inspected for the [s]ea, 1 [sh]ip of Protokles, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY. The silver,
21. the customs [duty] (on) the value of the nat[ro]n which they took out to [the sea in it is si]lver, 6 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 26 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters)
22. On the 30th of Pharm[uth]I they inspected for [the] s[ea 1 ship] of Glaphyros, I[o]nian, PSLD/RŠY. The silver, the customs duty (on)
23. [the value of the nat]ron [which they tok out to the sea in it is sil]ver, 8 karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 10 h(allurs).
24. [All the ships which they inspected for the sea in the month of Pharmuthi are] 5 ships. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the nat[ro]n which
25. [they] took out to the sea in them is, silver, 49 karsh, 1 sh(ekel), 23+]5 [h(allurs)].
1. [Month of] Pahons, [year 11].
2. On the [10th of Pa]hons they inspected for the sea [1] sh[ip of…] Myrsilos, [Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
3. [The silver, the cus]toms [duty] (on) the value of the natron which [they] took [out to the sea in it is silver, x karsh, …].
4. [On the] 18th of Pahons they inspected [for the sea 1 ship of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
5. [The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of] the [natron which they took out to the sea in it is si]lver, [x] kar[sh],
6. [y sh(ekels, z h(allurs)].
7. [On the] 22nd of Pahons they inspected for the sea [1] ship [of PN], Io[nian, PSLD/RŠY].
8. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which [they] took out [to the sea in it is silver, x karsh …].
9. On the 27th of Pahons they inspected for the sea [1] shi[p of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
10. The silver, the customs duty (on) the va[lue of the natron which] they [took] out [to the sea] in it is [silver, x karsh],
11. 9 sh(ekels), 14 h(allurs), […].
12. On the 30th of Pahons they inspected [for the] sea [1 sh]ip [of] … GL[S, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY. The silver],
13. [the customs duty (on)] the value of the nat[ro]n which [they] took out [to the se]a [in] it is silv[er, x karsh, …].
14. [All the ships which they inspected for the sea in the month of [Pa]hons [are 5] ships. [The silver, the customs duty (on)]
15. the value of the natron which [they] took out to [the] se[a] in them is silver, [x] ka[rsh, …].
16. Month of Payni, [year 11].
17. On the 17th of Payni they [inspected] for the sea [1] sh[ip of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
18. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which [they] took out [to the sea in it is silver, x karsh, …].
19. On the 21st of Payni they inspected for the sea 1 ship [of PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
20. The silver, the customs duty (on) the [va]lue of the natron which [they] took out to the sea in [it is silver, x karsh, …].
21. On the 26th of Payni they inspected for the sea 1 ship of [PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
22. The silver, the customs duty (on) [the value of] the natron which [they] took out to the sea in [it is silver, x karsh].
23. 6 sh(ekels), 4[+1+]2 h(allurs), 2 q(uarters).
24. On the 27th of Payni they inspected for the sea 1 ship of [PN, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
1. [The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of] the [natron] which they took out to the sea [in it] is silver, [x] ka[rsh, ...].
2. [On the 30th of Payni] they [insected] for the sea 1 DWGY QNR[T]‘’ of SM…N, […] …
3. [Silver of taking out to the sea is sil]ver, 2 karsh, 5 sh(ekels
4. [silver of the … men? Is] silver, 1 karsh, 1 sh(ekel), 5 h(allurs),
5. [all (told) silver, 3 karsh, 1+]5 [sh(ekels)], 5 h(allurs),
6. [All the ships which they inspected] for the sea in the month of Payni are 5 ships. Herein;
7. [ships of the Ionians, PSLD/R]ŠY, 4 (amounting) to silver, 16 (or 26?) karsh, 27 h(allurs), [2] q(uarters),
8. [ship of a …] … [person?], 1 (amounting) to silver, 3 karsh, [3+]2 [sh(ekels)], 5 h(allurs),
9. [all (told) silver, x karsh, … +]2, 2 q(uarters).
10. [The month of Epiph, year 11].
11. [On the x of Epiph] they [in]spected for the sea 1 ship of Glaphyros, Ionian,
12. [PSLD/RŠY. The silver, the customs duty (on)] the value of the natron which they took out to the sea in it
13. [is silver, x karsh], 6 [sh(ekels)], 15[+?] h)(allurs).
14. [On the x of Epiph] they inspected for the sea 1 DWGY QNRT‘’ [of]
17. [PN…]
18. [Silver of taking out to] the [sea is] silver, 2 karsh, 5 sh(ekels),
19. [silver of the … men? Is] silver, 1 karsh, [1] sh(ekel), 5 h(allurs),
20. [all (told) silver, 3 karsh, 6 sh(ekels), 5 h(allurs).
1. On the x of E]piph [they] in[spected for] the sea 1 ship [o]f Š.[…, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
2. [The] si[lver, the customs du]ty (on) the value of [the natron whi]ch they t[oo]k out to the sea in it, [is silver, x karsh, …].
3. On the [x of] Epiph they inspected for the sea 1 ship of PW.[…, Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
4. [The silver, the] customs duty (on) the value of the natron which they took out to [the sea in it is, is silver, x karsh, …].
5. [On the x+]1 of Epiph they inspected for the sea [1] DWGY QNRTŠY[RY] of
6. [PN, …]. Silver of taking out to the sea for ‘D/RYHBN…
7. [All the ships which] they inspected for the sea in the month of E[pi]ph are [6] ships. [Herein]:
8. sh[ips of the Io]nians, PSLD/RŠY, 3 (amounting) to silver, 22[+?] karsh, […];
9. [ships of] the … [me]n, 3 (amounting) to silver, [x] karsh,
10. DWG[Y…].
11. All (told) silver [x] karsh, […+]3 […].
12. Month of Me[s]ore, year 10[+1].
13. On the [1+]8 of Mes[ore] they inspected for the sea 1 [sh]ip o[f PN, Ionian],
14. [PSLD/R]ŠY. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of the natron which they took [ou]t to the se[a in it, is silver, x karsh, …].
15. [On the 10th of] Mesore they inspected for [the] sea 1 ship [of] Iokles, Io[nian, PSLD/RŠY. The silver],
16. [the customs duty (on)] the value of the natron which they took out to [the sea in it, is [si]lver, [x] karsh, […].
17. On the 2[2]nd of Mesore they inspected 1 ship of Phanes, [Ionian, PSLD/RŠY].
18. The silver, the customs duty (on) the value of [the] na[tron] which they took out to [the sea in it is, is silver, [x karsh, ...].
19. On the 22[+2+]1 of Mesore they in[sp]ected for the sea 1 DWGY QNRT‘’ of [PN, …].
20. [Silver of taking] out to [the sea is] silver, 2 karsh, 5 sh(ekels),
(DD1 very faint)
1. The [du]ty which was in y[ear 11]:
2. gold, [33 karsh, 5 sh(ekels), 9 h(allurs)];
3. silver, 1 thousand 100[+35+?] karsh;
4. [wine, 9]19 [and a half containers; herein]:
5. [wine of Ionia, 2+]2x100+8 and a half [containers],
6. wine, 3+[2]00+11 containers;
7. oil, 1[x100+40+]55 JARS;
8. bronze ŠLMW, 2 thousand 100 karsh;
9. iron, 5 thousand 100 ka[rsh];
10. tin, 200 karsh;
11. wool of Kefar Ṣ‘, 2 thousand 100 karsh;
12. (wool of) Kefar .BN, 715 karsh;
13. wood of [’]KD/RPK, 3+[6x]100 karsh;
14. […];
15. CLAY of ŠMWŠ, [6]00 karsh;
16. BOARD, 50;
17. BEAM, 5;
18. [PLANK], 53
19. [P‘MY, 20+]4;
20. OARS, [20+]33;
21. SU[PPORT[, 19;
22. [empty] JARS, [5x]100[+70];
23. [herein of which are] n[ot C]OATED, [160+]30
1. The [du]ty which was surplus in year 10
2. ov[er] the [d]uty which was in year 11:
3. gold, 1 karsh, 9 sh(ekels), 1 h(allur), 2 q(uarters);
4. silver, 152 karsh, 9 sh(ekels);
5. wine of Ionia, 129 and a half JARS (mistake for ‘containers’);
6. wine of Sidonians, 150 containers,
7. 280 (or 233?) contain[ers];
8. oil, 92 JARS;
9. …[…] of JARS, 8;
10. wooden SUPPORT, 3;
11. woo[l] of Kefar Ṣ‘, […];
12. bronz[e] ŠLMW, 900[+1+]3 karsh;
13. iro[n], 600[+?] karsh;
14. …, 600[+?] karsh;
15. [iron of PKD/RN], 1 thousand 100 [kars]h;
16. CLA[Y] of ŠMW[Š], 100[+?] karsh;
1. PLANK, 10;
2. BOARD, 3;
3. BEAM, 5.